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Short-term Work of Representatives

Foreign nationals who are registered by law in the Slovenian court register as representatives of a legal entity may be engaged to represent the legal entity, conclude legal transactions, supervise, give instructions and perform other similar tasks in the capacity of a representative.

You are allowed to do such work for up to 90 days in a calendar year.

Registration of work

Before you start working as a representative you should register the start date with our Employment Service.

You can do this using the online form. We will issue you with a certificate when your registration is complete.

To register the short-term work of a representative, enter the following information:

  • entry of the representative in the court register of Slovenia,
  • company name and registered office or address of the legal entity where the work of representatives is to be performed,
  • duration of the work,
  • name, date of birth and citizenship of the representative.

Register short-term work of the representative ...

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