Euroguidance activities
Located at the Employment Service of Slovenia, Euroguidance Slovenia performs the following activities:
- Capacity building and awareness raising to guidance practitioners in the field of lifelong guidance through training, webinars, cross-border seminars, peer learning, conferences or other learning opportunities, including learning mobility professional exchanges opportunities for Slovenian and European guidance practitioners, Euroguidance Cross border seminar and other study visits.
- Development of specialised information and support tools for guidance practitioners such as Europass e-course, promoting and updating JUMP cards and our main guidance tool Where and How for youth and adults. Furthermore, we will provide handbooks Employment or further education (for guidance practitioners in educations and students and their parents in transitions from education to higher level of education or to labour market), Mobility advice interview (for guidance practitioners) and other learning materials (Lifelong guidance in Slovenia).
- Promotion of the awareness of European instruments on skills and qualifications at national level to guidance practitioners and relevant stakeholders with our communication and dissemination activities (websites on national and European levels, newsletters on national and European levels, events, strategic cooperation and networking with stakeholders).
- Participation in activities related to guidance for co-construction of guidance tools on the Europass Platform, to ensure subsequent use by guidance practitioners and individuals.
- Strategic cooperation, knowledge sharing, peer learning and other information exchanges. Cooperation, coordination and mutual learning at European, national, regional and local level, across the different contexts of lifelong guidance with active participation in several working groups.
- Other relevant activities in the area of lifelong guidance for guidance practitioners and guidance community linked to the national implementation of European policies, including a national representative for Slovenia in Europass Advisory Group with European Commission.
- Cooperation with Europass Slovenia and NCP EQF Slovenia (Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training) to support European dimension in lifelong guidance with joint activities (trainings of guidance practitioners, promotion, study visits, mutual learning, cooperation, and information exchanges).

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