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Euroguidance activities

Located at the Employment Service Slovenia, Euroguidance Centre Slovenia performs the following activities:

  • Supporting the development of guidance counsellors’ competencies through various trainings that enhance their knowledge in the field of lifelong career guidance, such as Academia, Euroguidance study visits, Euroguidance cross border seminars and Euroguidance webinars.
  • Updating and promoting the guidance tools (Where and How, Career Descriptions website) and preparing handbooks (Employment or further education, Mobility advice interview) as an important source of information for guidance counsellors and individuals to help them plan and develop their careers, especially at transitions between different levels of education or from education to the labour market. 
  • Informing career centres, school counsellors and other guidance counselors about the European dimension of lifelong career guidance.
  • Supporting cooperation and mutual learning at the European and national level in the international working groups of the Euroguidance network and the European Commission's Europass Advisory Group.
  • Training for career counsellors on the new Europass portal in cooperation with Europass Slovenia.
  • Cooperating with Europass and EQF NCP Slovenia at the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training through joint activities.
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