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PreseNEETi se Project

Empowerment and integration of NEETs into the labour market and development of a comprehensive program of support services for NEETs, including the solutions on systemic level.


The idea arose as a response to the EU's efforts to reduce unemployment among young people and their active inclusion in the labour market, especially in the field of NEETs – young people up to 29 years of age who are not in education, are unemployed and are not receiving training.

Previous research has shown that the share of such young people in society is increasing, but on the other hand, they remain the most invisible and systemically inaccessible members of society.


The purpose

  • Strengthening formal and informal competences of NEET persons for integration into the labor market.
  • Reduction of the rate of unregistered NEET persons and their integration into existing networks through the ESS.
  • Increasing the share of empowered and socially active NEETs.
  • Strengthening skills and institutional knowledge at the level of individual professionals in the field of managing NEET persons.
  • Empowerment and social activation of NEETs (in the form of volunteering, employment or job search).
  • Establishing mechanisms to ensure early intervention.
  • Development of an awareness campaign based on "peer outreach" of persons and evaluation of the most appropriate campaign.
  • The development of a methodology for identifying the basic characteristics and needs of the NEET population, which will enable ESS and Statistical Office to prepare accurate censuses and enable officials to formulate public policies in the field of NEET persons.
  • Strengthening the knowledge of state officials in the field of NEETs, as the project will develop an integrated model for the social activation of NEETs.


The specific objectives and expected results

  • Empower and socially involve at least 30 NEETs in the labour market.
  • Include 40 mentors in a two-tier mentoring scheme.
  • Empower at least 100 stakeholders at the systemic level with a new methodology to identify the basic characteristics and needs of the NEET population and pave the way for the concept of early intervention.


Project duration

From 1.6.2022 to 30.4.2024


Project partners

Leading partner is University of Adult Education Celje.

Other partners: 

  • from Slovenia
    • Employment Servise of Slovenia – Regional Office Celje,
    • University of Maribor,
    • National Youth Council of Slovenia,


  • from Norway:
    • Veiledernettverket NOSCO – Norwegian Organistation for Supervision and Co-Operation.


Funding of the project

The PreseNEETi se project is co-financed by Norway with funds from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the corresponding Slovenian participation in the amount of 498,792.00 EUR.

Contact person

Janja Deutschmann

Project coordinator at the ESS

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