The ESS tasks and authorisations to perform activities in the areas of employment, active employment policy programmes, career guidance, unemployment insurance, and the employment and work of foreign workers are regulated by numerous laws, rules and other regulations.
1. The ESS activities are set out in the Labour Market Regulation Act, as well as in other laws and regulations from related fields of activity.
2. In addition to laws and regulations directly governing employment, the ESS also performs its duties on the basis of laws and regulations from related fields of social activity. These include above all:
- Pension and Disability Insurance Act,
- Healthcare and Health Insurance Act,
- Employment and Work of Foreigners Act,
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act,
- school legislation (career guidance, advice and education),
- labour regulations (redundant workers, trainee periods, employment contracts, inspections etc.),
- welfare regulations (maternity benefits, calculations of income limits, cadastral income, revaluation etc.)
- EU legislation.
3. The ESS tasks are laid down in the Business Plan, which is adopted by the Administrative Board. The ESS basic document is the Statute.
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